Embracing Vision

EP 21 - Dr. Sabrina Rojek Shifting Your Sh*t

Episode Summary

Today we are joined by Dr. Sabrina Rojek. Doc Rojek is just like the rest of us. What I mean by that is she has gone through some sh*t and now is on a mission to help others avoid all of the mistakes that she went through and to help people get through traumas that were not their fault. Sabrina has had her car repossessed, lost her House, WASTED $10,000s on trying to start a business, DO a business...anything! She has Felt like a failure on numerous occasions, cried out to anyone or anything that was listening, hurt friends and family. And that is just all the stuff Sabrina did. That does not include all of the real trauma that actually happened to her during her life. Jump on in and take a listen to hear the amazingly powerful story that Sabrina shares with us all.

Episode Notes

Sabrina [00:01:57] So we'll start with that and then let's get into it. So I've got a you know, we all have a story. That's our message to our message. And then whether or not you choose to do something with that. Use it to be able to help others. You know, then that's that's up to you. For me and my path and what I feel then to be my life purpose was absolutely to bump up against life in some of the harder ways possible so that I could have so many wonderful skills to share with other people. I'm joking a little bit about that, but I'm saying that kind of tongue in cheek of, you know, I. I've had a rough go of it. People have absolutely have had a harder go. But that perspective is what's helped me get through things. 

Toni Jo [00:07:20] So tell us a little bit about your program that you've started and how people get out can get involved. That yes.

Sabrina [00:09:33] So that's what it is for. And shift your sh*t if you can be, do or have anything. We just need to give ourselves permission to unleash ourselves. So what was missing? So it's a support group. If you go we've got a Facebook group that we've got a public one. It's SYS unleashed. 

Toni Jo [00:11:28] Where do I start? What do I need to do?

Toni Jo [00:12:43] Yeah, it is an attitude. They're contagious. And so finding a group that can and wants to aspire to more and to be in a better mindset is huge. So, yeah, I love that you're creating a community to allow people to do that.

Sabrina [00:12:57] So asking what really? It's what it was, what I needed, you know. And just even on like on a side, we were talking about business. Right. If you're becoming a business coach or if you're you've been in a in a while or you're thinking about that, you want to do it or what not and whatever. It's the life stuff that we take with us that this this becomes, you know, the thing. But it's it's you're looking for what your avatar is, right. Everybody says when we're in business, when you're in coach, I don't care what you're doing. You have to figure out who is your audience, who are you marketing to?

Sabrina [00:17:10] Even three times doing that. I don't know about you, Toni. Immediately. It overrides your brain and immediately your body kind of starts to drop in. Did you feel anything?

Sabrina [00:18:34] Emotional flooding happens. You cannot logically think. Our brains do not do it. You cannot think when you're in flooding. You can. And that's not where you find solutions. Right? That's when we need solutions. As one word freaks the F out when life isn't working. Emotional flooding. That's when you can't access them. So you have to do something. If you want to get to the solution, at the very least, not be freaked out and be able to calm yourself. So you can think just a little bit. You've got to have something in place that allows you to ground yourself immediately. And so that's really what Schifter should is about. Let's come together. Let's let's learn these tools. Let's learn with these practices are. But it's not just having the tool.


Toni Jo [00:20:38] Now, I love that and I love those suggestions you gave. And I can tell such a huge difference when I wake up. And I sent my intention for the day and I started off the way that I need to. Yeah. Versus those mornings when I wake up and it's like panic mode and relate and everybody's like, you know, it's the worst.

Toni Jo [00:24:59] So I love the life one can you say you're just a little bit about the business model and how those systems apply to business also make sense.

Sabrina [00:28:56] Maybe your brain already was moving slow or whatever, and then it's really hard. We think about it. We think it's really hard then to get motivated, inspired to muster the energy to do anything right. It's almost the state that we wake up in is what we expect for the rest of the day.

Toni Jo [00:31:56] Wow, that's powerful. And I love, you know, that really we are responsible for how we fill each and every moment. And there's things that are going to happen that are hard. But when you do have those tools in place, nothing is nothing you are not capable and able to overcome or it wouldn't have been given to you. And I truly believe that. I believe that everything is given to us for a reason so that we can attain the gifts that we need to help share and help others. You know, here during this experience.

Sabrina [00:32:32] It's the same idea you can be do or have anything. But you got there, you you that that became a possibility for us because we had done some work before. You know, you don't just arrive at decide, you know, that's a really hard reach to go from being in lax mentality. You know, we're even victim mentality or whatever. It's a really hard reach to go from that to to recognizing that you could be or do or have. There's a lot of steps in between. And so it's let's do there is steps together. Let's do it faster. And so that's the other thing, too, to just share friends.

Sabrina [00:34:26] Yeah, but you're not you're not growing. You're not expanding. You're not exactly, you know, more into what you want and all of that. And so my point is this is get the coach friends, get the therapist, get the person that will hold your hand. Because my question then to you, Toni, is whatever it is that you want to be or do or have. Right. If that's money, if that's the coaching, if that's better relationships, you want to have wonderful relationships with children, with your partner, your spouse, your big you want a new career. You want to be the top, your career, whatever that thing is. If you could get there faster, quicker, would you would you get there in five weeks instead of five years? Absolutely. Would you get there in five days instead of in five weeks?

Resources and Links

Episode Transcription



Toni Jo [00:00:00] Today, I am so excited to announce that we have Dr. Sabrina Rojek, who is a success coach, business owner, entrepreneur, author and speaker to join us. Stay tuned. This is an interview you won't want to miss.


Toni Jo [00:00:20] If you ever wondered why life just doesn't always work out, if you'd like to join me as we learn the skills to stop reacting to what occurs or doesn't each day. And dig deep to find our visions. Discovering those things that will truly bring us happiness in life, relationships and business. Guiding you on a journey to peace. What do you envision? And then create it.


Toni Jo [00:00:40] We only have today at this very moment. Each one is a present meeting for you to not only see it embraces. Welcome. I'm Toni Jo and this is embracing vision.


Toni Jo [00:01:04] OK, welcome. I am so excited to introduce you guys today to Dr. Sabrina. She is going to share with us some of the exciting things that she's up to. So thank you so much for joining us today.


Sabrina [00:01:15] Yes, I am super excited to be here. And it is a fabulous, it's a fabulous day today. Let's get it.


Toni Jo [00:01:21] And they get. Okay. Go ahead and share it. There's a little bit about your journey and how that has helped you get to where you're at today and the vision that you have for the future.


Sabrina [00:01:32] Oh, my goodness. OK. So Reader's Digest version first. Thank you so much, Toni, for having me on here with you. And I appreciate the platform that you've created and the knowledge, the wisdom, the information that you're sharing and showing up in the way that you have. So I just want to say thank you to that and honor and love up on you on that for a second and for having me here. So I appreciate that.


Toni Jo [00:01:54] Thank you so much.


Sabrina [00:01:57] So we'll start with that and then let's get into it. So I've got a you know, we all have a story. That's our message to our message. And then whether or not you choose to do something with that. Use it to be able to help others. You know, then that's that's up to you. For me and my path and what I feel then to be my life purpose was absolutely to bump up against life in some of the harder ways possible so that I could have so many wonderful skills to share with other people. I'm joking a little bit about that, but I'm saying that kind of tongue in cheek of, you know, I. I've had a rough go of it. People have absolutely have had a harder go. But that perspective is what's helped me get through things. But just to give you a little bit of an idea of what I'm doing, but where it came from is we're gonna talk a little bit in a little bit here about this boot camp, you know, that I'm that I've got coming up. And it's called Shift Your Shit. I apologize, friends, if you've got sensitive ears. But that's what it is. It's you know, it's the it in stuff in our lives that kind of gets in our way. And I'll talk more about it. But what got me there is I've had cycles in my life and maybe other folks have had this where it's about almost every seven years, quite honestly. And then there's some mini milestones that happen in between.


Sabrina [00:03:11] They're fairly big ones that I have these big leaps in consciousness. That's kind of what kind of what I call it, or big leaps in awareness. And I tend to have a lot of aha moments. And maybe other people have had that too, where you just get in a cycle of reading a bunch of learning a bunch. And so I've had a few of these over my life. I've I come from a family that was very vain, put a lot of a lot of emphasis on what you look like and how you moved and not being vulnerable. Being a woman was not a good thing. In my family, being a man was better. So there was just a lot of feeling like you had to prove yourself. I felt like I didn't belong. I felt like I wasn't worthy. I felt like I had to do something in order to be loved, accepted, even just to be able to be in the room with the same types of people, you know, in the room. And so for me then, it was a lot of a lot of coming back to moments that were shut up, sit down. Your light is too bright, you know. Let's keep the secrets. You know, we talked Off-line a little bit about family secrets, things that happen and. And then the families don't talk about it. They all know about it. But you don't talk about it. You sweep it under the rug type of a thing and then you don't really get anything resolved. And then those family crap gets handed down as the knee jerk reactions to the rest of us. And so I'm saying all of that because the bootcamps, the work that I'm doing has all come from what didn't I get as a kid?


Sabrina [00:04:39] I mean, as cliche as that sounds, it's what what couldn't my parents be for me that I needed them to be to be a healthy, functioning, well-rounded adult? And I think that's a lot that's the case for a lot of us. That comes in different ways. And so all of those experiences, though, led me up in two. I ran away from it all by joining the military. I'd also do come from a military family. Didn't think that was the route I was going to go for sure. I ran away from it all, joined the military, went in medical. I've always been interested in medical. I've always been interested in the psychology of why people worked, how they were, again, because of the traumas and because of my life. Then to make people safe, I had to make this. Like, I had to make sense of this, right? So how do I learn people, how do I break them apart? And that's really what I was trying to do, though, break them apart in a bad way. It was how could I learn everything about Toni? But that she doesn't know anything about me so she can't hurt me. So she can't use that against me. So through that, through growing through maturing through really reading Dr Wayne Dyer and Eckardt told me, hey, house pretty much Louise. Hey, Abraham Hicks. I live by Law of Attraction stuff as I started Neale Donald Walsh. Actually it was his books that got me on this path of me seeking out my own truth and for it to be what it is today. And so then that's really where a lot of this turnaround happened for me while I was in the military, while I was angry, while life sucked and I felt really isolated and alone. So then I started on this journey of there's got to be more. There's a different truth. I need to figure out what my truth is, not the force fed truth that was given to me. And once I figured that out, I then realized and started to give myself and understand that I could give myself permission, that I needed permission from myself just because of how I was raised. And then that I could be or do or have anything that I wanted where before I was much more in my victim and mindset, I, I knew I was a go getter, but it was just on the outskirts of my reach of what I knew I needed or where to get the help from. And so now it's all those life experiences as well as going through therapy school as I. I don't know if I mentioned I'm a marriage and family therapist. I specialize in sex therapy. I'm also a an alternative holistic medical practitioner. So I have a I have a practice and I have a clinic. But anyway. So. Yeah. So it's it's all of those things. That was a long winded answer. I apologize for that.


Sabrina [00:07:02] But how can I help you remember.


Sabrina [00:07:05] Give yourself permission that you can be or do or have anything. And and I truly believe that. And I know that to be true. We have evidence of it. With all these people who are doing fabulous and doing well and who are be doing and having the things that we want.


Sabrina [00:07:16] Evidence that this is possible, obviously. Yeah.


Toni Jo [00:07:20] Absolutely, yes. It's amazing what you can do when you get into the right mindset and having your mindset. It is. So tell us a little bit about your program that you've started and how people get out can get involved. That yes.


Sabrina [00:07:34] Yes, it do them.


Sabrina [00:07:35] The weather is so fabulous. So a couple of things, and I'm really excited about it. So what we're doing is, as I said before, is is shift your shit or shift your shift. Shift your stuff. We are going to have a kids version later on down the road. But the ideas behind it is rapidly recognizing release through systems friends. This is what I've noticed in my therapy practice and what I've noticed in medical.


Sabrina [00:08:01] What I've noticed in life is we need systems in place to be consistent. And that also includes in our in our daily life to incorporate the balance that we need. The work balance, the relationship balance, the financial balance. And so what shift your shit is all about. And we've got two tracks. There's a life track and a business track. Life covers the seven aspects of life that that I feel like there's seven aspects of life. Other people have different, and that's financial, sexual, spiritual relation. Are your relationships, your emotional, mental, your physical body. So it's it encompasses all pieces of us. And so it's to create balance and to show up always and then always congruently across all those places. For example, most of us are really good, maybe in finances or maybe we're really, really good in our job and we have it all together. Good balance. But then you look at the systems and kind of the practices that they have in place to be a great leader or to be a great boss. They don't have that in the relationships. They don't have that in these other areas of their life. They suck in their other areas of life. But if we look at what makes people successful at systems. So shift your shit. What is the mindset? You just said it is there is a mindset for us to be the most successful humans. There's ways of thinking that will help us get there. There's emotional, good emotional practices that one would have to be able to show up and have better communication to have better relationships. And those things have been broken down.


Sabrina [00:09:33] So that's what it is for. And shift your shit if you can be, do or have anything. We just need to give ourselves permission to unleash ourselves. So what was missing? So it's a support group. If you go we've got a Facebook group that we've got a public one. It's SYS unleashed. So if you search on Facebook SYS unleashed, you will see our group join us. It has both our business and our life tracks, but it's being in support of one another as we go through these challenges, as we go through the boot camps, as we go through life of how and when are you recognizing those shifts? How can we be your cheerleaders? How can we give tips and tricks regularly, daily? So we have Tuesdays, Mondays, question and answers Wednesdays. We have our wisdom Wednesdays where we have guests. And we we talk about what are these practices, what are those mindsets and how can we practice that daily then? And then we have our Thursday thrive. And so it's really just how can we get what we want in life? What are the mindsets? What are the practices? What are the things that we can do to get there? These are proven steps. We have our boot camp. That is about a thirty two thousand dollar value. That's only nine hundred and ninety seven dollars. But basically, it's my my hundred and eighty thousand dollars worth of school that I paid for. You get a lot of that information, which is therapy practices, which is how do we be good gatekeepers to our thoughts? How do we be good emotional gatekeepers and then shift that stuff that's getting in our way? Friends, really. Give yourself permission. Get good boundaries. State what you want. All of that stuff we teach how to do that. And my promise to you is at the end of boot camp, I will have taken you to that crossroads.


Sabrina [00:11:16] But you will know that you know that you know, you can be or do or have anything. And now we just need to decide if you're giving yourself permission. But I'll bring you right there. And then you make that decision and then we unleash ourselves together. That's what this whole group is about.


Toni Jo [00:11:28] I love it. I think for people who sometimes just hear, oh, you just have to change your thoughts, so you just have to do something, it gets so frustrating when there's no framework around what are what do you actually need to do? Yeah. Where do I start? What do I need to do?


Sabrina [00:11:42] Well, I mean, it's tough as hell, like we were talking earlier that it doesn't matter what tools you have. I can have a group of therapists or whoever we think has arrived and we're still going to come each day and say, you know what? Yeah. I got angry today or I had that outburst or I felt sorry for myself today or, you know, I got fired and that X Factor thing happened and I lost it or I got depressed. So we we still I don't care how good you are at utilizing these tools. We still struggle with it. I still struggle with it. And so it's to help. But it's like minded people that know that there is more that there is more to life, that there's more to business than what we have like minded people. And let's attract that crap, that stuff, you know.


Toni Jo [00:12:29] I love it.


Sabrina [00:12:30] Great. Let's. And then how do we do that? How do I wake up every day choosing to be happy when my surroundings don't look happy? It's helping us to hold it, to hold each other accountable to that choice and that commitment.


Toni Jo [00:12:43] Yeah, it is an attitude. They're contagious. And so finding a group that can and wants to aspire to more and to be in a better mindset is huge. So, yeah, I love that you're creating a community to allow people to do that.


Sabrina [00:12:57] So asking what really? It's what it was, what I needed, you know. And just even on like on a side, we were talking about business. Right. If you're becoming a business coach or if you're you've been in a in a while or you're thinking about that, you want to do it or what not and whatever. It's the life stuff that we take with us that this this becomes, you know, the thing. But it's it's you're looking for what your avatar is, right. Everybody says when we're in business, when you're in coach, I don't care what you're doing. You have to figure out who is your audience, who are you marketing to? In my case, this became really easy and it was recognizing and looking at what was I missing as a human person, you know, what did I feel that I was missing on? Why have I held my self back? You know, it's why am I not showing up in the way that I could be or the way that I. I want to. And it's because, you know, I didn't give myself permission. It was because I was raised with secrets. It was because of these things. And so in my case, it's really kind of cool. I am my avatar. I, I am my niche in it. And so it was creating this group and recognizing what would I have needed? What did did I need a long life? That I've paid for. That I've spent time on. That I've pained through. That could have been a whole lot easier had I had these things. And so that's what this bootcamp is. That's what this group is, is let's give people those things. Let's give them the encouragement. Let's teach them how to shift their internal critic to their cheerleading section. Let's teach people that even when you have the tools how to still pull, pull them out your butt when when you need the most, when you are your saddest and your most angry, cause that's what we need them. But then that's when we forget about everything, you know. So it was it's well, you know, let's let's be there with each other because I need this group just as much as they might need to be in it. I am definitely not one of those people that are in the position of I'm guru. You're following everything that I say and I'm not getting anything from you because I'm arrived. I can get to that place to Buddhist status. I'm not. And so until then, I'm enjoying and needing this group just as much for those pieces. And there's not accountability as what they're getting from what I'm able to help teach people.


Toni Jo [00:15:05] I love that. I love that. Because so often, like when hard things happen, it's so easy to hide and shrink. And really when we can just recognize that sometimes those experiences are given to us and find that gratitude for what we can actually attain and the gifts that we receive. On the other side, it's so powerful and, you know, having that support and those people there and not going into that place of hiding or shame or drinking. Yeah, exactly.


Sabrina [00:15:32] All of that. And then it's so sad because you can watch when you can watch when people have. It happens when they shrink. You know, like sometimes people come to you shrunken. Right. That's just the way they they state they play small. They stay and play small. But then there's those moments when you see it and people they might start out confident and talking about something. And then all of a sudden that thing happened. Critic happened. They got nervous, whatever. And you can watch them just kind of like, yeah, blah, blah, blah.


Sabrina [00:16:00] And you're like, wait.


Sabrina [00:16:04] What just happened? And so, honestly, if it's for nothing else but to help people, what are ways that you can override your shrinking? You know, what are ways that we can actually what is a system or a step that we can override what our bodies wanting to do so we can't unleash ourselves? That's a perfect example. So one of them, honestly, that I give to people if. Anxiety a lot if their power car. Power suit, power steering type of people that they, you know, decision makers making stuff happen, whatever it is. If you get into to fear, if you get into nervousness, if you get into now you're about to go talk in front of that group of people and your body's freaking out on you and your heart's racing.


Sabrina [00:16:44] Simple thing to do. As long as your exhale is longer than your inhale. You are telling your body you are fine. So the example is I inhale for three. Exhale for five. And if I do just even a few rounds of that. Exhale.


Sabrina [00:17:10] Even three times doing that. I don't know about you, Toni. Immediately. It overrides your brain and immediately your body kind of starts to drop in. Did you feel anything?


Toni Jo [00:17:20] I did it come down?


Sabrina [00:17:21] It does. Just like you did. You didn't realize you needed to calm down, but you did just feel like a little. Oh, OK. There's something settled a little bit. There's something to breathing and to breath. I do mind for five and seven. But some people, if you've got breathing issues that you can't three and five, it doesn't matter. But it overrides and activates the parasympathetic nervous system. It overrides the fight flight or freeze response and says, oh, we're OK. So if I'm breathing this way, then everything around me must be fine. That's what your body interprets it as. And so that's a very good example of a very simple tool, a very simple system that we teach and that we do. And now we just have these systems, these tools, and we get so practiced at them. And that being the go to that now when we're in crisis. When when when life is happening for real. Now these tools will start to automatically employ. So we can think so we can be present. So emotional flooding doesn't happen when we get nervous, when we get scared. Emotional flooding actually happens in our prefrontal cortex in the front of your brain. That manager that says, OK, we're going to be here, we're gonna do this. Literally shuts down and goes into hiding.


Sabrina [00:18:34] Emotional flooding happens. You cannot logically think. Our brains do not do it. You cannot think when you're in flooding. You can. And that's not where you find solutions. Right? That's when we need solutions. As one word freaks the F out when life isn't working. Emotional flooding. That's when you can't access them. So you have to do something. If you want to get to the solution, at the very least, not be freaked out and be able to calm yourself. So you can think just a little bit. You've got to have something in place that allows you to ground yourself immediately. And so that's really what Schifter should is about. Let's come together. Let's let's learn these tools. Let's learn with these practices are. But it's not just having the tool.


Sabrina [00:19:14] It's the reminders. And let's train for real life. So there again. That's what boot camp. We literally do this. We train for real life scenarios. We make that breathing thing, the automatic response. We train for it. We do it over and over and over again. I give you a scenario. I try to freak you out in certain areas because I want to activate all your bad coping skills. It's OK. They're the ones that you had. But we want to activate them so we can correct them. So we can replace them with something else. So then that way, when you're done with boot camp, you leave there knowing.


Sabrina [00:19:46] I feel solid in my tools. I've got choices. I can I can choose to be happy even when things suck. And I know how to do it because I practiced doing it. You say? Yeah. It's just it's just those. And then we build it into the daily routine. So first thing in the morning, when you wake up before you do a single thing else, before you even go pee. What are you grateful for? Set your intention for the day. And then, you know, people say, I'll meditate later or I'll pray later. Two hours later. That's supposed to be when you set your day up on how you're gonna show up for the day, how you're going to be, what you're going to think about all that. So how are you going to wait two hours later? This is the most important part of your day, not to hurry up and get to the computer in your e-mail so you can hurry up and, you know, work for someone else. It's just really interesting. So it's it's how do we build this stuff into our daily lives for real and make it practical?


Toni Jo [00:20:38] Now, I love that and I love those suggestions you gave. And I can tell such a huge difference when I wake up. And I sent my intention for the day and I started off the way that I need to. Yeah. Versus those mornings when I wake up and it's like panic mode and relate and everybody's like, you know, it's the worst.


Toni Jo [00:20:54] Yes. Two very different experiences. And yes, it makes such a difference. So I'm I'm so excited to, you know, go through your course and learn more about all the tools that you have to offer.


Sabrina [00:21:09] It's amazing to have you with us about that some ways if you do want to join for me. We don't have. So it's a Bitly link. So this does make it a little bit easier.


Toni Jo [00:21:22] And I can go ahead and add the link in the description below. Perfect.


Toni Jo [00:21:26] Go ahead and give it to people.


Sabrina [00:21:26] So they can get to because we have a couple that I could give, but we'll do the bootcamp, so and I'll send it to you in this chat as well, Tony. So it's Bitly. Excuse me.


Sabrina [00:21:38] All lower case. If you want it to be bit.ly/. So all bitly links are always be bit period ly. And then forward slash. And then it's gonna be. This is really it's really a stupid thing to have to say online. You'll see what I mean in a second, because there's caps and there's lower cases and it's case sensitive. Me saying this, I'm gonna go and change it just so we don't have to worry about this right this second. What the link is is capital SYS for. Shift your shit. So SYSfB for Facebook.


Sabrina [00:22:13] And then there's Boot Division L. That's for our actual group, the boot camp itself. I'm going to make this even easier.


Sabrina [00:22:20] Is all caps bit.ly/SYSBOOTCAMPDIVL.com, OK.


Sabrina [00:22:27] So that's to actually see the videos and what it's all about. So it's S. Y. S boot camp, all caps. This is all caps, d i. V, as in Victor L.. So that stands for Schifter Ship Boot Camp Division L or Division Life, because this is the life track. We've got the life and then we've got the business or career track. So again s y. S boot camp div l. You'll see the videos, you'll get to learn more, but you'll get to see what all comes in this value stack. I didn't even share hardly anything in with it. But, you know, just the Reader's Digest. We meet twice a week. We on Tuesdays, we have we actually have the boot camp day itself for two hours where we get the lesson, we do the training, we learn the skill, whatever we're learning that week and whatever the focus is for that week. And then we also have our thrives, which is are our Thursdays, which is our thrashing and thrives our homework and our hot seats. And so basically it's let's review our homework. What came up for folks? What happened, what shifted, what, you know, blindsided you? And then what are we actually training on for that day? Outside of that, we have daily daily. I go on Facebook lives and I give you morning motivational as it's, you know, how we talked about this is a daily practice to set the you know, it's to kick your day off with those things that you might have forgotten. Let's let's, you know, create that to be a part of your routine. Outside of that, you get companion audios. There's over seven and a half hours of. So I'm also a hypnotherapist, seven and a half hours of guided meditations, visualizations and actual hypnotherapy. So for those of you that agree or don't agree, you've got options.


Sabrina [00:23:59] But it's just things to get you make those rapid shifts in that moment. We talk about communication. We get you in in mindset. We get you being a good gatekeeper. And how do you be a good cake gatekeeper to your thoughts in business career? Turn your message to your message. How do you show up? How do you ask for what you want? How do you move your money ceiling, make more money, attract more money, get out of victim mentality. So it's all of these things that we're working on. You also get an outfit. I went to boot camp. You get boot camp gear, you get a hoodie, you get sweat pants, you get a shirt, you get a recruit hat. You then get we have a crucible. You get the shirt that we switch our hats out when we've gone through the Crucible, which is when you've gone through the fire, where at the end and we go to our graduation ceremony, you get a new hat, you get a new shirt that says you're official, that you have mastered some of these Esquire steps in these things to do. You get a field guide and you get the private group, you get prizes, you get free stuff, you get money's like it's amazing. You've got to join anyway. There you go.


Toni Jo [00:24:54] That does sound amazing. That's so awesome.


[00:24:56] Thanks so much.


Toni Jo [00:24:59] So I love the life one can you say you're just a little bit about the business model and how those systems apply to business also make sense.


Sabrina [00:25:06] Yes. And this matches to, you know, just talking about being coaches, having podcasts, having doing all of these things. And so our business track is just as phenomenal. And honestly, I think people should go through both because life we cover some basics of business, but then there's business stuff, right. That that's just all business things and how you're going to get then also business basics and systems, no matter where you're at in your business or in your coaching or your career process, whether you're wanting to be C suite, you know, or management, if you're in a career path, meaning you've got a profession and you're working that, or do you do coach and own your own business and have your own product or service, we can meet you wherever you're at. We do go over very quickly. Briefly, what are the basics of business? How do you get set up and choose between Sole Proprietor LLC taxes? You know, the the main things that we need as a business person. But then here's where it gets really fun. A lot of people are doing a ton of challenges right now. And Tony, you might have even done one. I know a couple of the friends that we're in circles with, Tony and Dean and Russell, have one going. They just did. One's on their own. Nick and Brian. They have there's going lots of people have all these challenges happening right this second. Here's what I noticed. I did a couple of those challenges. And what I noticed in those as well is you get hyped, you get excited. There's a lot of stuff that's going on. And these are for people who want to become coaches, turn their message to their message. But then what happens?


Sabrina [00:26:28] You want to get the hot seat because you've got specific questions of your own blocks that have gotten in your way. But then you never get that hot seat. You never get that extra piece of information. So you you're led to the trough of. Yeah, I've got to use good thinking. But then those same things that kept you stuck before, the reason why you hadn't unleashed yourself are still stuck with you. So in this challenge in in our boot camp, we do a ton of hot seats. We do a ton of. All right, Tony, you know, I'm going to call you out in the challenge if you're going to be big, brave and bold today. Where are you at? What's blocking you up? Is it tech? Is it you? Is it because you don't know your avatar and you don't know your audience? Is it your hook line and you know your hook story close. You suck at it. What is it? And and then let's let's let's break it apart. Let's build a backup, you know, let's give you ideas. Let's brainstorm where that didn't work. Why that's not working. Let's let's brainstorm with you and and figure out that one little piece that you missed, which was why you join the challenge. Which was what was getting in your way that you couldn't do by yourself that now we're going to address? So it was it's also to help address that missing need that I saw that it was like, yeah, this is great. But now what? I'm still stuck. Yeah. So it's here that it's the same type of community with shifter shit for life. So there might be life stuff that comes in it because life skills are utilized in business. Right. How you. Yeah. So he follows you in business, how you feel and think about yourself and your confidence in yourself follows you into the boardroom. Right. No matter again, no matter what your product or services. So it's what are the systems that we put in place? Number one, that we can show up and stay inspired. I don't care how long you've been in business. That is the problem a lot of us have. Right. I'm not excited about this anymore. This is a drain. I'm not excited about showing up to work. I'm not excited to get on here and do this interview. I don't want to talk to people any more. You know what? Whatever whatever is going on for you, you know, it's. Bring it to the group, let us help support you. Let us help you shift. Here's the big thing, Tony, that I wanted to share with you and share with folks. And just in general, whether it's life or whether it's business here is really what life is showing me and what spirit is showing me and what it's been it's becoming is we often wake up in the morning and tell me if this has happened to you. Has this ever happened to you or you woke up in the morning, you were tired, you didn't have the energy that you had hoped that you wanted.


Sabrina [00:28:56] Maybe your brain already was moving slow or whatever, and then it's really hard. We think about it. We think it's really hard then to get motivated, inspired to muster the energy to do anything right. It's almost the state that we wake up in is what we expect for the rest of the day.


Sabrina [00:29:20] I'm saying that because it's almost like if we didn't wake up good and feeling rested, then we think we're not going to be able to retain that all day. And I want to challenge friends and folks, and this has really been sinking into me lately, which is it's the other way around. We generate we create the states that we want. Right. Yes. It would be great and lovely if we were all healthy enough and we were balanced internally, honestly, to have gotten the good sleep, to not be an adrenal failure and all of those things. And to not have this is a problem that would be lovely and wonderful. But most of us are not in that. So more often than not, we might find ourselves where we're waking up feeling more tired than we are ready. And instead, it's creating that system both for business. Right. It's really hard, then to show up and be excited about your business in our coaching when you're tired. It's hard to show up in any kind of way, but it's it's recognizing obviously those things are important. That's a big part of your system that needs to be built in. And so what is that meditation that needs to be built in? Whether it's that that ceiling, you know, the the getting your brain recharged, but you create the state you choose. You know what? I want to feel energized. So in order to feel energized, I need to get up and do that thing that I don't feel energized about. I need to get up and go for a walk this morning because I really don't feel like doing one that's going to help you generate the state humans. We are energy converters.


Sabrina [00:30:45] We're convertors for a few different type of stuff. We're light converters because for those of you that heard it ourselves are made of light. We are light converters energy wise. We take in food, we take in whatever. We convert that communication wise, we take in words. We convert that to what we need it to be. You create and you convert whatever stagnant energy that you have, it's still energy. Nonetheless, you create it and change it to be what you need it to be. So you go out and you go run. You go out and do Tony. You know, Tony Robbins power breathing, if that's what you know, get you get in seconds. You create the state that you want and you do that first by choosing no matter what, I'm going to be energized enough to do what I'm inspired to do and to live my life purpose. And if I have to generate that energy because I didn't wake up with it, I'm committed to doing that as well. And that flows into our business as well. So we learn those types of things outside of business stuff. How can you create that next product? What is that price point for people? You know, what is how are you going to attract marketing? Copy. Right. Copy is the hardest for people. Hook story close. What does that mean? How do I do it? Yes, all of that.


Toni Jo [00:31:56] Wow, that's powerful. And I love, you know, that really we are responsible for how we fill each and every moment. And there's things that are going to happen that are hard. But when you do have those tools in place, nothing is nothing you are not capable and able to overcome or it wouldn't have been given to you. And I truly believe that. I believe that everything is given to us for a reason so that we can attain the gifts that we need to help share and help others. You know, here during this experience.


Toni Jo [00:32:23] So absolutely, I, I resonate so much that you're sharing so powerful. Am very excited for all of it.


Sabrina [00:32:32] It's the same idea you can be do or have anything. But you got there, you you that that became a possibility for us because we had done some work before. You know, you don't just arrive at decide, you know, that's a really hard reach to go from being in lax mentality. You know, we're even victim mentality or whatever. It's a really hard reach to go from that to to recognizing that you could be or do or have. There's a lot of steps in between. And so it's let's do there is steps together. Let's do it faster. And so that's the other thing, too, to just share friends.


Sabrina [00:33:07] It's you know, Toni, I know that you're looking at and you're talking about coaching and doing your own thing and with your programs. And there's different avenues that you're helping with. And by bringing folks together, whether it be podcast, whether it be videos, you know what, not in whatevers, but it's it's us being able to turn our, you know, our mess into our message, being able to share and bring others along with us. You can also then be able to make money at doing that. And what are the you know, the steps to be able to to to helping others and creating community and how do we show up in these ways? But it's, you know, making that choice, too. Like you said, this is this is who I want to be. This is who I'm gonna be. And let me go for it and let's get it.


Sabrina [00:33:46] You know, like not now when. But you were talking about being a coach. And so that was part of what I was about to say is, is friends. This is one of those things, whether it's business, whether it's life.


Sabrina [00:33:57] We look at what are the systems, what are the tools, what are the things that we can put in place that will get us there faster, quicker, easier. I think most of us can agree, Tony, in life where you're at right now, do you wanna be in the same exact place five years from now in life in a business exactly where you're at?


Sabrina [00:34:13] No, no. I want something to change. Right.


Toni Jo [00:34:15] Exactly. If you're not moving forward, then you're digressing because you're. Yes. I feel like you either need to move forward because I don't feel like you can stay in the same spot whether you realize it or not. You're regressing.


Sabrina [00:34:26] Yeah, but you're not you're not growing. You're not expanding. You're not exactly, you know, more into what you want and all of that. And so my point is this is get the coach friends, get the therapist, get the person that will hold your hand. Because my question then to you, Toni, is whatever it is that you want to be or do or have. Right. If that's money, if that's the coaching, if that's better relationships, you want to have wonderful relationships with children, with your partner, your spouse, your big you want a new career. You want to be the top, your career, whatever that thing is. If you could get there faster, quicker, would you would you get there in five weeks instead of five years? Absolutely. Would you get there in five days instead of in five weeks?


Toni Jo [00:35:07] That would be great. Right.


Sabrina [00:35:09] And if you knew that your life would be changed, if if if you could figure out that magic button that you would unleash yourself, where you would give yourself permission to just say, you know what, I'm not afraid to make those phone calls.


Sabrina [00:35:20] I'm not afraid to sell myself. I'm not afraid to make that trip and book that trip. And knowing that it's going to be provided, it's going to happen on, you know, whatever.


Sabrina [00:35:27] All of those things. How much would you pay for that?


Toni Jo [00:35:33] You know, if you can get what you want, is there really a price that you wouldn't pay? Exactly, exactly.


Sabrina [00:35:40] But if we were to put a price on it, OK, if there were a million dollars that were over in Abu Dhabi and I had to get myself to get there. Right. The money is mine. It's million dollars. It's in the safe. That's what this is. That's what this book gets. That's the promise that I'm getting even with this boot camp. But that's what a lot of these coaches, too, is, of course, research for you want. And, Tony, we only have to be a step or two ahead of someone else. We might be even further than that. But just to be able to do this with someone to get you there faster, quicker, easier, not having to make the mistakes that they made, not having to make the mistakes that I made. Like I said, I was a hard headed person. So I bumped up against life a lot. A lot of areas. I doubted you because I didn't learn from somebody else. And so that's what I want to do. And my point in saying is, if you've got a million dollars in a safe somewhere and you know that it's yours, you know that the life that you want is yours is in the safe and all you have to do is get there. But you had to get the plane ticket to get there and the ticket was going to cost you 20 thousand dollars. Would you come up with a way to get the twenty thousand dollars?


Toni Jo [00:36:38] Oh, absolutely.


Sabrina [00:36:39] Would you borrow your friends?


Sabrina [00:36:41] Would you sell some stuff? Would you become very resourceful if you knew in this safe was the life that you wanted in the million dollars that you wanted to go with it?


Toni Jo [00:36:50] Yeah,.


Sabrina [00:36:50] You would figure it out.


Sabrina [00:36:52] That's what I'm challenging people to do, whether that's because Toni resonates with you, whether that's because I resonate with you or one of these other coaches or therapists or whoever. If you can when you find that person that can get you there faster, quicker, sooner. Why would you not? And again, it's just challenging and asking right where you're at in business, career, in life relationships, how you think about money, how those are going, what you're attracting into your life. Is this the happiest life that you can live? Do you feel good every single day? If your answer is no, really, to any of those. And you don't like that. Get there faster, stronger, quicker. That's what that's where we come into play. That's how we can help people. Is is is not just because oh, I want to take your money. So, of course, I'm going to say that it's because I know that this is what changed my life. This is what changed my therapy clients life. And I have my superpowers. I can get people there faster. That's what I've noticed. I didn't realize that that was what that was not my goal. But we can get there faster. Tony can get you there faster, sooner, quicker, or a little less painful, I bet, than what you might have done on your own. And so that's an invitation to to don't just sit there and be an analysis paralysis. I need to watch one more thing in here, one more thing. I need to follow one more person before I give myself permission to be courageous, to be brave, to be big, be bold, to get out there and do my own thing. Do it now. What are you waiting for? Especially during these times, people are losing jobs. Corona is happening. You're not guaranteed tomorrow when we say I'll do it tomorrow. I don't even want to wait till tomorrow to potentially get my million dollars. Can I get it right now? Can I can I start that process now? You see what I mean? So, again, it's thanking you for what you're doing, Toni, and what you're offering. And being able to help be that light is that I know and I am so convinced with what I do and and what what has been given to me, the gifts on how I can help people get there, that it's I know that I'm doing a disservice if I'm not explaining this properly.


Sabrina [00:38:44] And I know I fumbled on a couple of things, but it's these are the things that people cry out about.


Sabrina [00:38:51] And there's people that are here to help. Toni is here to help. I am here to help this. Others out here to help. We are available. Resource yourselves up. Invest in yourself. Stop watching everybody else invest in themselves. Talking about. I don't have the money to do it. And you can't afford not to. You can't afford to waste any more of your money and your time trying to figure out all this crap all by yourself. It is stupid. I had done it and I've wasted a lot of time and created a lot of pain, a lot of crying, a lot of heartache and a lot of stupid situations for myself. I don't know about you, but I have no.


Toni Jo [00:39:22] I agree.


Toni Jo [00:39:23] And having a team and a support system that's actually there to help you is so valuable. And I'm so excited for what you're offering and what you're up to. So thank you so much for joining us today. Is there anything else that you'd like to share with everybody before we wrap up?


Sabrina [00:39:40] You can be or do or have anything that you want friends. This is not some motivated person who's all the way arrived. Whatever that means that I'm a person, I'm just like you, just like these other people.


Sabrina [00:39:50] Your examples for one another and to help pull each other up and whatever it is you can be or do or have anything that you want really is just you giving yourself permission. That's all it is. But it's also the hardest thing to do. But you can do it. Be committed. Please show up. Somebody needs you. Somebody needs your message out there. Whether you realize that people are looking at you or not, whether you realize that you're the reason for people waking up. You don't know that. And that's the thing you don't know. And most likely your mess that you could turn into your message that you've learned, whether that's a business, whether that's a life, whether that's a hobby or because you've got beat the F up. Either way, you are in a different place and further along than someone else's. And you could help them. You can make that happen. Choose to be happy friends. Intend your day. Get there faster. Sooner, quicker, easier. Join my sysunleashed group and Facebook and Instagram. Follow me, Dr. Sabrina Rojak. I am all over the place. I know that Toni is in these different places as well, getting these conversations with us friends, get some cool prizes, get some cool crap and get in some cool conversation and change your life.


Toni Jo [00:40:56] So powerful. Thank you so much for all those golden nuggets. It was such a pleasure to have you on today. And I can say for myself, I've been super inspired. I will go ahead and put the links to your programs and also how they can find you online. Downbelow.


Toni Jo [00:41:09] And thank you so much again for joining us.


Sabrina [00:41:12] Thank you, Toni. Have a fabulous day. Let's get it, everyone.


Toni Jo [00:41:15] All right. Thank you.


Toni Jo [00:41:18] Thank you so much for hanging out with us today.


Toni Jo [00:41:20] Please subscribe to the show and give us a review down below. We look forward to seeing you next time.